Saturday, September 23, 2017

Modular Smart Array 500 G2 LCD - C51343NFU OPTREX

I was rummaging through my collection of old hardware and came across a HP storage module labeled:
HP StorageWorks
Modular smart array 500 G2

and it had a nice LCD on it so decided to see if we can use for something.

After extracting it, it became obvious that it was a separate module with:
* Microcontroller
* buttons
* Dual color leds
* EEPROM memory

all in the small board !
Printed on the board :
OPTREX Made in taiwan 284-3

Let the hacking commence.

So what's inside it:
* Microcontroller - PIC16F877 , (Not the A variant)
* LCD - HD44780 variance
* EEPROM - 24c32 I2C 4K
* 3 Dual color leds. (green and red)
2 - single leds, connected to the same output pin. (red)
A RC Oscilator of unknown speed.

That's great they even left pads for in circuit programming.

Here are the connections:

You will need an ICSP capable programmer, to program it.
Word of warning while programming, connect the 5V line to an external power source, most
programmers have insufficient current to supply the board.
I successfully programmed it with Pickit 3 and the Minipro programmer.

The LCD has weird display ROM the character map is "funky" to say the least, only space numbers and English letters are where they supposed to be, everything else requires some searching.

Attached is the source code which is in C, for MLAB X ide.
I have modified my version and added a 20Mhz crystal, I've removed a resistor (R24) from the RC circuit and added a resistor between MCLR and 5V, the code is written for the Crystal, should work for RC but the config bits need to be changed.


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