I had a need to program SPI eeproms so looked around and found this for Arduino and off-course
it requires a 3.3V Arudino, I only had the Blue pill clone so I adapted the code and modified it
slightly to work with the pill attached is the connection schematics and code.
You will need to program the Pill with a bootloader for it to work as Arduino board.
Also add a clip into the mix and create an ICSP.
You can use a serial console directly on the pill or the python script on the original repo
tested on Windows and Linux.
it requires a 3.3V Arudino, I only had the Blue pill clone so I adapted the code and modified it
slightly to work with the pill attached is the connection schematics and code.
You will need to program the Pill with a bootloader for it to work as Arduino board.
Chip pin | Blue pill pin |
1 /SS | PA4 |
2 MISO | PA6 |
3 /WP | +3.3V |
4 GND | GND |
5 MOSI | PA7 |
6 SCK | PA5 |
7 /HOLD | +3.3V |
8 VDD | +3.3V |
You can use a serial console directly on the pill or the python script on the original repo
tested on Windows and Linux.