Here is a schematic for a convenient circuit to connect a micro to RS232 (COM) port using only common parts, no MAX232 and such.
C1 220pF
D1 1N4007 - Can be almost any regular diode
J1 DB9
P1 CONN_4 - Can just use wires
Q1 BC558 - PNP Transistor can probably use any PNP transistor
Q2 BC547 - NPN Transistor can probably use any NPN transistor
R1 10K
R2 10K
R3 10K
R4 3.3K
R5 3.3K
R6 3.3K
C1 220pF
D1 1N4007 - Can be almost any regular diode
J1 DB9
P1 CONN_4 - Can just use wires
Q1 BC558 - PNP Transistor can probably use any PNP transistor
Q2 BC547 - NPN Transistor can probably use any NPN transistor
R1 10K
R2 10K
R3 10K
R4 3.3K
R5 3.3K
R6 3.3K
PIN 1 requires VCC the same voltage that the Microcontroller uses
Tested up to speeds 115200, used in many projects, ESP8266,sniffing router ports and the likes.