OpenXCom is now available for N900
Port of OpenXCom (http://openxcom.org/) by Ronen K.
This is a port of the WIP OpenXCom engine remake
This port requires the original DOS files of X-Com.
You must create a directory called "openxcom" under your MyDocs folder
to there you must copy the original Dos files and extract this zip file
Than just use the icon to launch the game
To install type in X Term (While in root):
dpkg -i openxcom_0.3-1_armel.deb
to uninstall:
dpkg -r openxcom
Thanks to: OpenXCom.org and the team there!
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OpenXCom is now available for N900
Port of OpenXCom (http://openxcom.org/) by Ronen K.
This is a port of the WIP OpenXCom engine remake
This port requires the original DOS files of X-Com.
You must create a directory called "openxcom" under your MyDocs folder
to there you must copy the original Dos files and extract this zip file
Than just use the icon to launch the game
To install type in X Term (While in root):
dpkg -i openxcom_0.3-1_armel.deb
to uninstall:
dpkg -r openxcom
Thanks to: OpenXCom.org and the team there!
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