Sunday, September 11, 2011

OpenXCom for Maemo (n900)

OpenXCom is now available for N900

Port of OpenXCom ( by Ronen K.

This is a port of the WIP OpenXCom engine remake

This port requires the original DOS files of X-Com.

You must create a directory called "openxcom" under your MyDocs folder
to there you must copy the original Dos files and extract this zip file
Than just use the icon to launch the game

To install type in X Term (While in root):
dpkg -i openxcom_0.3-1_armel.deb

to uninstall:

dpkg -r openxcom

Thanks to: and the team there!

Download Binary
Download Source


Sunday, August 28, 2011

REminiscence (Flashback) for N900 (Maemo 5)

Port of REminiscence is ready first version.

Download binary here
Download source here

To install type in X Term (While in root):
dpkg -i reminiscence_0.1-1_armel.deb

to uninstall:

dpkg -r reminiscence

This package requires the original Flashback files see readme below.

REminiscence for Maemo 5

You need to have
folders the FLASHDATA folder should have the data files from flashback either
PC or Amiga versions are supported the mod files from the amiga version
can be used with the PC version, but a special naming scheme has to be used

You can use this in a batch file (Windows) to rename the amiga names
to the one supported by reminiscence then copy to FLASHDATA dir.

ren ascenseu.mod mod.flashback-ascenseur
ren ceinture.mod mod.flashback-ceinturea
ren chute.mod mod.flashback-chute
ren desinteg.mod mod.flashback-desintegr
ren donneobj.mod mod.flashback-donneobjt
ren fin.mod mod.flashback-fin
ren fin2.mod mod.flashback-fin2
ren gameover.mod mod.flashback-game_over
ren holocube.mod mod.flashback-holocube
ren introb.mod mod.flashback-introb
ren jungle.mod mod.flashback-jungle
ren logo.mod mod.flashback-logo
ren memoire.mod mod.flashback-memoire
ren missionc.mod mod.flashback-missionca
ren options1.mod mod.flashback-options1
ren options2.mod mod.flashback-options2
ren reunion.mod mod.flashback-reunion
ren taxi.mod mod.flashback-taxi
ren telepor2.mod mod.flashback-teleport2
ren telepora.mod mod.flashback-teleporta
ren voyage.mod mod.flashback-voyage


Quit - Q button
Inventory\Skip Movie - Backspace
Operate / run / take - Hold Shift
Gun in/out - Space
Use Object - Enter

Thanks to: Gregory Montoir (
for creating this great source.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Got new phone ... It's the N900..

Hello readers,

Good news I've got a new phone and it's the N900 probably the last great phone
from used to be all mighty Nokia.

Right now I'm in the process of acquainting myself with it's development environment
and probably soon will start porting stuff, hopefully some of you will find it useful.


Sunday, June 12, 2011

I'm not dead, But Symbian is...

Hello everybody,

It's been a long time since my last update, there are few reasons for that.

I was working on my port and was almost at the end but encountered a very hard bug with
the sound system which was playing the sounds after a delay which made the game useless
and till this day I had not found a way how to fix this bug there
seems to be some problem with SDL_Mixer.

Nokia also has announced that they will stop supporting Symbian and switch to Windows platform.
There was also another company that did just that to survive but now is almost gone into obscurity, Palm.

These two factors together have demoralized me somewhat so right now porting has been halted.
I still have my n95, but the platform shows it's age which leaves me unwilling to support it for now.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Dodgin diamonds II ported to Symbian s60 v3 Update


A new version of DD2 is available,

Release 0.2(11)
This version has:
 * Fixed saves that were broken, please install on E drive.



Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Some updates

Hello all,
There have been very few updates lately because I'm working on a new port.
It is not one of the suggested one, but let me say this this is the first time this game has been
ported to any machine (it is originally ran in DOS) and the porting progress is very slow.
The game is quite old.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Request for Port ideas

Hello everybody,

If you have an idea for a port post it here.
Please use these guide lines before considering a port:

1. The source code must be available. 
2. should be portable to 320x240 resolution. 
3. Remember we have very limited mouse support so not RTSs. 
4. Preferably SDL based games (but not a must) 
5. Not yet ported to symbian. 
6. Must be codded in C or C++ (no python, VB, C# or such nonsense) 
7. OpenGL is allowed (but this limits the target audience) 


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Dodgin diamonds II ported to Symbian s60 v3


I've finished porting DD2 (most of the work was already done by Anotherguest so thank him)

2d shot em up scroller.

To know more about this game please visit

Release 0.2(10) based on version 0.2.5 of DD2 by Anotherguest
This version has:
 * First release, Game functionality
 * configuration saves
 * Highscores
 * Game was tested on n95

Download game

Download source

OpenXCom port

Hello everybody,

As you know I am working on an OpenXCom port for the Symbian, I even have a running version.
But right now OpenXCom in not yet complete (see here:
and it would be a waste of time porting every single code change to Symbian.

So we will have to wait till that project is more or less complete (meaning that you can actually play the game from start to finish) until I make any further progress.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Abuse Game ported to Symbian s60 v3

Hello all,

A new port here Abuse :

A phone with an accelerometer is needed.

Hope you enjoy this.


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Thursday, January 27, 2011

GLTron Fix

Here are some fixes

Release 0.1(14) 
This version has:
 * Problem with the racer model texturing fixed
 * Preferences are now being saves on exit
 * Added several resolution (416x352 and 800x352) others removed
 * Made some speed improvements

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

GLTron minor fix

Here is the fix for you out there that have other then English language set ;)

Release 0.1(13)
This version has:
 * Fixed some regional problems (Thanks Sera from My-Symbian!)

Download Full version

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

GLTron ported to Symbain s60v3

Phew, I have been really busy these couple of month, this port took a lot
of time to finish because of the OpenGL part.
Here is the first released version.

This is for the OpenGLES supported phones only
Read the ReadMe file inside the zip carefully!

GLTron for Symbian S60v3 by Ronen K.
To receive updates please visit:

GLTron is a game created by Andreas Umbach (

Release 0.1(11) base on version 0.70 by Andreas Umbach
This version has:
 * First release
 * Game was tested on n95
 * Support for music files of types MOD,XM,IT and etc (all mikmod backed)
 * this game is full port you can try different artpacks
 * You can try changing the scripting files everything should be supported
 * Do NOT turn off the floor texturing (show_floor_texture) it will kill performance


There are 2 versions of the zip file 

 1. A Full install version which contains all the files needed.
    !!!The full version has to be installed on the memory card!!! ie E:
 2. A Minimalistic version which contains only the main sis file
    this version requires the directory E:\GLTRON\DATA into which you can copy
    the windows version of the files (see tree.txt for more info)

GLTron is the work of Andreas Umbach
SDL_Sound creators
mikmod creators

 * SDL runtime for S60
 * Ability to install Selfsigned apps on the phone
 * OpenGLES compatible phone

If you encounter some errors on the white screen and the game will not load
please let me know.

Download Minimalistic version
Download Full version
